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Register for NEJS CONF

Register for NEJS CONF


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Combination (Shorter Height for Registration Page)

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Register for NEJS CONF

Hero Quote

NEJS CONF is a single day, single track conference dedicated to Web Development and JavaScript.

The 300-seat capacity Suzanne and Walter Scott Recital Hall in the Holland Performing Arts Center makes every event feel casually sophisticated, with incredible black box acoustics and unique lighting options.

Code of Conduct

We want a safe environment for all of our staff, speakers, sponsors, and attendees. All conference participants must abide by our Code of Conduct.


in an Info Block

Omaha, Nebraska

Paragraph text

Schedule Date

July 27

Paragraph text

Info Blocks

Info Block (Single)

Omaha, Nebraska

Paragraph text

Info Block Group

All blocks in the same row should have the same height.

Omaha, Nebraska

Paragraph text

Omaha, Nebraska

Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text.

Info Block Group (Background Images)

Omaha, Nebraska

Paragraph text. This is a link.

Conference Passes Include:

Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text. Longer paragraph text.

Venue Image

Holland Center for Performing Arts

Sponsors Grid


Speaker Block

Zach Leatherman

Zach Leatherman

Ugh, how much can this dude talk about Web Fonts? (This is not a real talk—just a sample for the Style Guide)

Speakers Grid


July 26

8:00 PM
Informal pre-party at LOCAL Beer, Patio and Kitchen: 902 Dodge St. Omaha, NE 68102

July 27

8:00 AM
Doors Open, Registration
9:00 AM Welcome
Introductions / Kick-off
9:15 AM Laurie Voss
Keynote—npm and the Future of JavaScript
10:00 AM Carmen Bourlon
At Your Service with Service Workers
10:30 AM
Hallway Track/Break
11:00 AM Karl Groves
What Is This Thing and What Does It Do?
11:30 AM Michael Chan
Hot Garbage: Clean Code is Dead
12:00 PM
Lunch (Provided) and Networking
1:30 PM Ben Ilegbodu
Let’s Web Dev Like It’s 1999!
2:00 PM Andrey Sitnik
CRDT: Conflict-free Data Types for Collaborative Editing and Offline-First
2:30 PM Beth Haubert
WTF Are Serverless Apps? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
3:00 PM
Hallway Track/Break
3:30 PM Steve Kinney
Actually Understanding Asynchronous JavaScript
4:00 PM Clarissa Peterson
Keynote—Code is Not Neutral: The Ethics of Web Development
4:45 PM
Closing Remarks and Post-Conference Happy Hour